Monday, April 29, 2019

U is for Ukobach

Ukobach is a demon of low order of Hell with a thankless but important job. He maintains the oil in the infernal boilers of Hell's foundries.  He's an intelligent little imp, with a twisted sense of humor. Despite this, he appreciates ingenuity, and sometimes serves as a patron to inventors.

Armor Class: 5 [14]
Hit Dice: 3
Attack:  Scalding Shovel (1d6+Special)
Special: See Below
Move: 12
HDE:  5, 240

Ukobach cannot be damaged by mortal weapons: magical or otherwise. He is also immune to magical and mundane fire. He can cast Fireball 1/day. The first attack with his scalding shovel deals an additional 1d6 damage because of the hot oil in it. 

Summoning/Bargaining Ritual Modifiers: a glass of ice cold pure water (+2)

Potential Boons: inspiration, immunity to fire damage

Potential Banes: occultist smells of burning oil, occultists touch leaves ash smudges

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