Monday, April 29, 2019

V is for Volac

Volac is an insidious fiendish lord. He appears as a delightful cherub. However, his heart is dark. His favored mount is a two-headed dragon. He has great knowledge of astronomy and astrology and the knowledge of the locations of rare reptiles. He's a close friend and confidant of Tap.

Armor Class: 7 [12]
Hit Dice: 8
Attack:  By weapon
Special: See Below
Move: 12/Fly 12
HDE:  8, 800

Volac cannot be damaged by nonmagical weapons. He can cast Charm Person 6/day. His two-headed mount is treated as an ancient red dragon (except it's cone of breath is 60 feet wide).

Summoning/Bargaining Ritual Modifiers: there are no special means to aid in summoning Volac

Potential Boons: ability to speak with serpents, ability to detect serpents, knowledge of astronomy or astrology

Potential Banes: occultist is constantly followed by serpents and other reptiles

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