Monday, April 29, 2019

T is for Tap

Also known as Gaap, Tap is one of the most powerful fiends in Hell. Even the kings and queens of Hell, bow and acknowledge his power. While he can appear human beneath the noon day sun, he normally towers over mortals. He has an aura that intensifies the two strongest mortal emotions: love and hate. He has been known to ferry powerful individuals across the mortal world. 

Armor Class: 1 [18]
Hit Dice: 16
Attack:  Claw (2d6+Special)
Special: See Below
Move: 12, Fly 18
HDE:  16, 3,200 

Tap is immune to all non-magical weapons. Anyone hit by his claws must make a saving throw or be affected by a Confusion spell. He can cast Quest 1/day.

Summoning/Bargaining Ritual Modifiers: mass slaughter (+5), a grand debauched party in his honor (+5)

Potential Boons: safe passage, political power

Potential Banes: loss of level

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