Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October Horror Movie Challenge - Cabin Fever: Patient Zero (2014)

All films I'm watching for the challenge are currently (as of posting) viewable for free on via Tubi.

A young man, his party animal brother, brother's girlfriend (who's also his childhood crush), and his business-partner friend head to a small abandoned island for one last raucous night before he marries a billionaire heiress. Things take a bloody turn when two of the friends get infected and the gents seek out a doctor on the island. This takes them to a quarantined facility doing invasive tests on an asymptomatic carrier.

The cast are pretty stock. The main character is a good guy that's trying to get away from his humble origins. His friend and brother are afraid he's leaving them behind. Their female friend thinks they should reignite their romance. At the medical facility, you have a doctor who wants to be famous, his faithful follower, and a nurse with a heart. Oh and the asymptomatic carrier (and villain) is played by Sean Astin. Overall, the acting is fine. It's not really great, but it's not awful. It's pretty okay.

There are some great bloody effects in this one. In particular, the cat fight between the two infected babes has some great practical gore (including one of them literally getting their boobs ripped off). There's definitely some gross and cringe gore too... bloody cunnilingus anyone?

The reveal at the end seems forced to me, but it is what it is. The movie isn't great, but it wasn't awful. It's only connection to the original Cabin Fever is the flesh dissolving virus. We'll add this to that long list of, "I don't regret watching it, but don't plan on watching it again" movies.

In Your Game: 

The following stats allow you to add some diseased madness into your  5E game. Whether the carrier is an unknowing victim or a diseased madmen looking to punish the world is up to you. The challenge and XP below assumes you give them some common disease like cackle fever. If you want to go with something stronger, raise the XP.

Asymptomatic Carrier
Medium humanoid (any), any
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft. 
    STR     DEX         CON       INT       WIS      CHA
10 (+0)   11 (+0)      11 (+0)    10 (0)     10 (+0)   10 (0)
Skills Stealth +2
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Blood Born Carrier. Though they show no signs, the carrier is a contagious host to a deadly disease (of the GM's choice). Anyone making a successful melee attack against the carrier must make a saving throw (as determined by the disease) or become infected. If this damage was bludgeoning the saving throw has advantage. 

Blood Blade. The carrier can take an action to nick their skin to blood their blade. They take one point of piercing damage. Anyone successfully hit by the blooded dagger must make a saving throw (as determined by DC) or become infected.

Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage.

New To Me Movies Watched: 1
Total Movies Watched: 1


  1. Great review and very clever write-up. Thank you for inspiring me to tackle this challenge.

    1. Thanks. I look forward to seeing what you watch this October.
