Spicing up ship combat we are given maneuvers to do. These are special actions that can be taken by ships if you meet the requirements. They really missed out though, because they didn't include one of the greatest starship maneuvers, listing lazily to the left.
There are several little item related entries that help flesh out your game. This includes d30 artifacts, alien poisons, and prosthetics (mundane and magical). I really like what they've done with the prothestics. There is a new spell that allows you to create the magical variety. The poisons are a nice touch too, because in solar assassin worth its ilk, is going to use them.
There are several pages of stellar system generation and monster generation. This ends with a brief chart on how folks get around in certain area and a bit of errata from the first issue.
The author did a great job with all of this material and its ready to go. While a part of me would like to see an established setting, that doesn't really fit the DCC model. When you combine this with with the first issue, you have everything you need to run a fun swords and planet game. You can roll up your star systems and sail the cosmic waves. These could also be used to expand something like Leopard Women of Venus (currently on Kickstarter).
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