The book contains 47pages of content. This is an adventure and rules supplement for 5th edition. You need the core books, basic pdf, or the srd to use it.
Like all 5Evo books, this starts with a comic. In the deserts of North Africa a tank crew encounters an ancient Efreeti and his lava scorpion minions (as well as a group of Nazis). Again, like all of the 5Evo books, the artwork is astounding. I'm not really into war comics, but I would read the further tales of this group.
After the comic we're presented with the scenario. The characters are there to stop a group of Afrikacorps who are in the desert to awaken and ancient evil. They do so and that's were the evil genie comes into play. In the adventure they will encounters the Nazis and their commander, an evil genie, giant magma scorpions, an anti tank gun, skeletal guardians, and a mummy.
The party is made of up four different members of the tank crew and the tank itself (which they each share a role in running). It's an interesting idea and I need to run this to see how it plays out. Just reading the rules it seems pretty solid.

After reading this book again, I think it would be a great way to play something like Overload. There's some great stuff in the Tunnel of Terror book for this (including contagious zombie stats). You could also use this for flashback setting adventures in a Carbide City game. The players could take on the roles of soldiers that dealt with something related to a villain.
Currently only backers of the Kickstarter (like me) have print copies, but you can pick the pdf here. Better yet, you could back their new Kickstarter, 5Evo Whitechapel and get it and the original three (including this one).
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