Tuesday, April 28, 2020

V is for Victor Crowley

For the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge this year I’m going to be looking at slashers and other horror character and statting them out for my free rpg, Slashers & Survivors.

Victor Crowley a Adam Greene's throwback slasher and star of Hatchet I-III and Victor Crowley. The franchise features roles and cameos by several horror icons, including Kane Hodder, Robert Englund, and Tony Todd. The series features amazing practical effects, ridiculous kills, and a love of its source material. If you like slasher flicks, watch them.

Victor Crowley
HP: 50
Evade: 13
Armor Points: 2
Bonus: +3 to Attack, +5 to Damage
Attack: By weapon 
Special Trait: Victor can move through his swamp unimpeded swamp and rolls made to track him are made at Disadvantage, Victor regenerates 1 HP on his turn.
MO: Slaughter all who enter his swamp.
Weakness: Victor's regeneration and Armor Points are ignored if the damage dealt to him comes from someone that shares blood with the children that caused his death. 

1 comment:

  1. Once again you've captured the spirit of a slasher in your streamlined stats. I'm very impressed.
