Tuesday, April 28, 2020

W is for Willard

For the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge this year I’m going to be looking at slashers and other horror character and statting them out for my free rpg, Slashers & Survivors.
Going to be honest with this one. I couldn't think of a W slasher and this movie came to mind. I've not seen the original Willard or it's sequel Ben. It's also been a few decades since I've seen the Crispin Glover version. That being said, the gif below is horrifying and the stats could be use for a fun foe for your Slashers & Survivors game.

HP: 15
Evade: 12
Armor Points: 0
Bonus: +1 to Attack, +0 to Damage
Attack: By weapon 
Special Trait: Control rodents
Special Attack: Rat Swarm (CM + DEX vs DC 15) - target takes 3d4 damage as swarms of rats gnaw at their flesh
MO: Revenge
Weakness: Willard is a normal man and bleeds like anyone else. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice choice on the fly! Have you played Until Dawn? Don't want to give anything away, but there's a W baddie there that might also work...
