Saturday, December 9, 2023

More Big Bads - Magda and King Blrrk

Today I'm going to talk about two more Big Bads from Hit Point Press. Unlike my last post, these pdfs aren't free (though they are only 2.99).

Magda is a tragic sorceress. Distrusted from a young age by everyone but her beloved sister because of her power. She trained in magic and would have been a hero if not for an unexpected attack on her village. During the attack her sister was killed saving her. Magda unleashed her power and destroyed everything. She was called to a tome called the Red Rune. This relic was rumored to have belonged to a lost goddess. The truth is is is connected to a lich, who now manipulates the broken Magda for its own goals. Magda is a powerful sorceress at Challenge 8. The pdf also includes adventure hooks, roleplaying tips, traits, and tactics for her.

Magda can be added to any setting. If I were using her in the Forgotten Realms, I'd connect the Red Rune to the Red Wizards, though that's probably a little too on the nose. 

King Blrrk is a gelatinous cube that accidentally engulfed the Gem of Whirling Cosmic thought, a magic item that granted it an Intelligence score of 20. With his new found intelligence he left the dungeon for the safety of the city and set himself up as a crime boss. He protects his own and rewards them with magic items (because of his fear of them). He is served by chef assassins. He sometimes tears of chunks of himself, which are functionally one time use magic items. The pdf includes a discussion of his lair (with lair actions), roleplaying tips and traits. Blrrk is a impressive Challenge 12.

This is the kind of weird I love. I already know how I want to use King Blrrk. Next time I try to run Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, I will introduce Blrrk as an up and coming crime boss that comes from Undermountain. He tried to set up in Skullport but was attacked by the forces of the Xanathar. He survived and fled closer to the surface where he started his new organization. 

Yes I want a Gelatinous Cube vs. Beholder gang war in my game. Xanathar is insane, while Blrrk is calculated. I think it would be fun. Also one of his adventure hooks involves him wanting to buy a business that party owns or frequents. This could very well be their renovated tavern in Trollskull Alley.

If this ever happens I will use my Gelatinous Cube Die from Severed Books as my King Blrrk mini.


Other Big Bad Reviews

1 comment:

  1. You had me at "gelatinous cube that accidentally engulfed the Gem of Whitling Cosmic thought". I am totally in!
