Wednesday, April 17, 2024

O is for Oracle

This might sound controversial, but I really don't like Alan Moore's The Killing Joke. There are several reasons, but the main is because of the treatment of Barbara Gordon. It was fridging, before the coin was termed. Because there was no editorial edict or plans to use Batgirl again, Ostrander and his team decided to give the character second life. They didn't want to magically cure her paralysis, but still knew Babs was a great character and deserved new stories. In their Suicide Squad, Firestorm, and Manhunter stories a hacker named Oracle was introduced. Initially the readers didn't know Oracle was Barbara Gordon. The hacker helped Waller and when Flo, the main computer person for Task Force X, is killed, Waller informed Oracle. Waller saved Babs from an assassination attempt and was recruited to the team. When Waller was shot, Barbara even led Task Force X for a time.

Babs is a great character and I'm glad the folks writing Suicide Squad decided to give her new life. We wouldn't have the fantastic Birds of Prey if it not for the Squad.

I'm going to do something a little different today. While there are options like The Combat Wheelchair, I don't think I could do Oracle justice with the stats I would design. Instead I'm going to give a few alternate rewards like the ones presented in the Dungeon Master's Guide. These work like supernatural gifts or class abilities. Players can gain them if they gain Oracle's trust and respect.

Minor Boon

Tactical Knowledge
As a bonus action the character can contact call upon Oracle for strategic advice. The character has advantage on the next attack roll.  This boon cannot be used again until the character takes a short rest. 

Encyclopedic Knowledge
As a bonus action the character can contact call upon Oracle's vast knowledge. The character has advantage on their next Intelligence skill roll.  This boon cannot be used again until the character takes a short rest. 

Guiding Voice
As a bonus action the character can contact Oracle for guidance on using a new tool. The character gains proficiency with one tool, instrument, gaming set, kit, or vehicle of their choice. This knowledge lasts until they take a short rest. This boon cannot be used again until the character takes a short rest.


  1. I agree. "The Killing Joke" isn't one of my favorite graphic novels and paralyzing Barbara for 20-some years stunk. But at least they gave her new life as Oracle.

  2. I agree. I hate how they dialed up the violence to 11 on this one, and then Bats laughs at the end? Out of character for Joker and Bats, imo. Great post.

  3. You can add me to the list of folks who aren't all-in on TKJ as a great graphic novel. For some reason, I realized several years ago (in thinking about it for the first time in a while) that it's one of those that seemed amazing when I first read it but didn't hold up extremely well. I still have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the idea of the Joker as a sympathetic character (especially in light of the perfectly pure chaos of Heath Ledger's version.)

    I guess I do still think it is a very well-done comic overall, though...I'm not sure Alan Moore is capable of writing a BAD story...

    Great choice for the day btw! I've always like Oracle's cyberspace avatar form as brought a little touch of TRON to the DC Universe...
