Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Deadpool and Wolverine (2024) - Spoiler Free

I watched this one with my son Tuesday and wanted to share my thoughts. I think I'm ramble more than usual in this one, but hey no spoilers.

Deadpool has retired from merc/hero work and his life become one of mediocrity. His birthday is interrupted by the agents of the Time Variance Authority (from Loki) and he soon learns that his world is going to come to an end. The key to it's survival? Find Wolverine!

This movie rocks. The action is fantastic. It's slick, funny at times, and brutal at others. There are seriously the some gnarly kills. The jokes are mostly juvenile, but that's what we expect from DP. 

I love Ryan Reynolds and I love Deadpool, but his schtick can get tiresome. I think that is addressed by Wolverine. There are jokes about this movie desecrating his corpse after Logan, but the movie wasn't a phoned in cash grab. I think Jackman's in this is one of his best. I'm not saying this Wolverine is better than the one in Logan, but damn he's good. This movie isn't just gore and dick jokes though. There's is a lot of heart too. I admit I'm a softie, but there were some scenes that really tugged at my heartstrings. The movie is also a send-off to the pre-MCU Marvel flicks (that in general I still love). I think that's why this movie evoked some of the feelings it did for me. There are some great deep cuts and in-jokes for fans of Marvel Comics and Marvel movies. I saw so many awesome Easter Eggs and I know there are plenty more I missed. Definitely going to buy this one and give it several more views.

This is not to say I have no critiques. Okay, maybe I just have one and it's not original. While there were definitely some great surprises in the movie, there was just way too much shown in the trailers. I love that the cast post no spoiler pics, but honestly, there was a lot of the movie that would have been better had the trailer not spoiled the scenes.

If you love the Deadpool movies this I don't need to tell you that you're going to want to watch this one. Even if you aren't a big DP fan, I think there's enough other stuff here to make it enjoyable. Be sure to stay for the video package that plays during the credits. Oh and yes there is a post credits scene, but you probably already guessed that.

In Your Game 
I haven't created new content because I don't to spoil anything, so I will share this could 5e magic item inspired by the Merc with a Mouth. Check out it's creator's Patreon. Seems like Dragon Drop is making some cool content. 

1 comment:

  1. I want to see it at some point. I loved the first Deadpool and liked the second one and Logan. So far I haven't seen anyone really disappointed by it. The feeling is mostly that it's not great cinema but it's fun.
