Thursday, August 29, 2024

#RPGaDay 2024 - Day 29

 "Awesome app"

If you've been paying attention this month, I don't use much tech. I sometimes use D&D Beyond to look things up. One app I do find super useful is The Crawler's Companion. This free DCC app is super useful for that game. 

Don't have the funky dice needed for DCC? The app has you. Need Critical Hit and Failure charts? The app has you. Quick rules references? The app has you. Spell references to those complicated DCC spells? The app has you. Finally need to generate 0-level characters, dragons, demons, swords, and other things? You might be shocked to find out the app has you.

Seriously, if you you play DCC and haven't checked it out, you're missing out.

Update: Apparently the phone app version is no longer functional. The HTML version still works and is what I’ve used in the past. It’s easy to use on phones.

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