Saturday, August 31, 2024

#RPGaDay 2024 - Day 30 and 31

 "Person you'd like to game with"

Instead of going with celebrities or historical figures, I'm going to go with some publishing and gamer friends. My dream game would be an old school D&D game ran by Levi Combs of Planet X Games. My fellow players would be Tim Knight, Tim Brannan, Eric Bloat, and the Limitless Adventures cats (Mike and Andy)

"Game or gamer you miss"

Going to go with a game that used to be one of the main focuses of this blog. I'd love to see a generic Cinematic Unisystem core book released. I still have quite a few books in the line and I love them, but I'd love to see new content. This game, Beyond Human, was being written at one point, but never materialized. I don't know if it's ironic or sad that I miss a a game that never came out.


  1. Oh, gosh, thank you for including me in such illustrious company. That would be a GREAT game!

  2. Great answers for the 30th and 31st! Beyond Human would have been awesome, I love anything by CJ Carella!
