Saturday, August 10, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - Day 10

"RPG you'd like to see on TV."

I would love to see a Dungeon Crawl Classics animated series. I think the wizard van nature the game would make for a fantastic anthology series. I would take pre-existing adventures and turn them into episodes. The series could start with a funnel like Sailors on the Starless Sea. The next episode could catch up with some of the survivors, now classed characters taking on The People of the Pit

I would make the episodes roughly an hour long. I'm envisioning a rotating cast of protagonists, like the ones featured in the band illustrations. As far as animation style, since it would be an anthology doing different styles would work. However, honestly I think it would be best of they were done by Primal and Samurai Jack's Genndy Tartakovsky. His style tends to be fast paced and light on dialogue and I think that could work well for DCC.

I'd die to see The Chained Coffin and Shudder Mountains animated.  A man can dream...

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