Sunday, August 11, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 11

"RPG with well supported one-shots."

Once again I have to go with Dungeon Crawl Classics. DCC has a slew of stand-alone adventures. I mean just look at these covers.

DCC is an amazing game, but even if you don't play it,  in my experience these adventures are fun and easy to use with other games. For example, I've never run my beloved Chained Coffin for DCC, but have ran it for 5e. If you're looking for good adventures, I recommend anything by Michael Curtis, Brendan LaSalle, and Harley Stroh. Also going to give a shout out to Daniel Bishop. His funnel The Arwich Grinder is a blast. I've ran it more than any other adventure... period. 

1 comment:

  1. Villains & Vigilantes for me. There's close to fifty quality one shots at this point, and that's not even counting the stuff from Monkey House Games.
