Monday, August 12, 2024

Music Monday - GFDC

Sometimes I hear a song and it inspires me to make gaming stuff. This pirate metal track is one of those songs. Giant Fucking Demon Crab says everything you need in the name. In the lyrics the crab is described as quick, stealthy, and able to shoot lightning from it's eyes. Everyone that sees it dies. While this could be some sort of death stare ability, I'm going to attribute this to the giant fucking demon crab's prowess. Below you'll find my OSE stats for this horrific beast. 

Giant Fucking Demon Crab
The primal spawn of the a demon prince and a great leviathan, this massive demonic crustacean is known to scallywags and sea dogs as the Giant Fucking Demon Crab. While it preys on all who ply the waves, because of some vendetta of its progenitor it takes particular pleasure maiming and slaying pirates. Despite its bestial nature, it is a clever foe in combat.

Armor Class -2 [21]
Hit Dice 20 (90HP) 
Attacks 2 X Pincer (2d8)
THAC0 6 [+13]
Movement 90' (30')/ 180' (60') swimming
Saving Throws D 2 W 2 P 2 B 2 S 4
Morale 12
Alignment Chaotic
XP 4300
Number Appearing Unique
Treasure Type 

  • Ambusher: The beast is cunning in battle. It will lay ambushes. A favorite tactic is to feign retreat and then unleash its fury upon its foes, catching them off guard.   
  • Embedded Weapons: Numerous weapons are lodged in its carapace. In addition to the treasure above, one of these weapons will be a sentient sword.
  • Fiendish: The Giant Fucking Demon Crab takes half damage from cold-based, electrical-based, fire-based, and gas-based attacks. 
  • Lightning Eyes: Can project a powerful stroke of lightning, 60' long and 5' wide. A creature caught with this attack suffer 20d6 damage with a successful save versus spell indicating half damage. If this hits a solid barrier before its full length is reached, it is reflected and travels for any remaining distance of it's full length in the direction of the Giant Fucking Demon Crab. It may do this once per day.

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