Saturday, August 24, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 21-24

Been having some mental health struggles so I've missed a few days. Going to play catch up with this post.

Day 21 - "Classic Campaign"

For this one I'm going to talk about Greyhawk. While I've never had a steady game on Oerth, it's an old school setting that's always fascinated me. I had the City of Greyhawk boxed set as a kid and I loved it. I really regret getting rid of it and all my old school D&D stuff when I was in college. For me Greyhawk is a setting with a grand history  I can draw from. However what's great about it is in the end it doesn't matter to my specific game. It's a place that's known and includes names and things my players will recognize. However at the same time I can customize it and make it my own and most of the time my players are none the wiser (because they only have very surface level knowledge).

Day 22 - "Notable non-player character"

One of my favorite NPC's I've used in the past decade or so is Gadof Blinksy, from Curse of Strahd. He's a toymaker with a monkey that players can encounter. He was just a fun character, even though when the party meets him he's fallen into despair. When I ran the adventure the party bard (who was essentially a stand up comedian) bought a Strahd marionette from him that he animated during the final confrontation with Strahd.

Day 23 - "Peerless player"

I honestly don't want to talk about just one peerless player, because I have gamed with some amazing folks. Instead I will list some of the traits on a peerless players. These players show up on time and stay engaged. They get their time in the spotlight, but not to the expense of other players. The bring excitement to the games they play in. 

Day 24 - "Acclaimed advice"

I get the alliteration, but "acclaimed advice" sounds corny af. I'm going to go share some advice I heard somewhere at some point, but has stuck with me. 

"Just roll with it."

Don't get bogged down in games. If you aren't sure what the rules say at a certain point, just keep the gaming going and don't worry about the minutia.

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