Tuesday, August 20, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 20

 "Amazing Adventure"

There are many amazing adventures out there. You have classics like The Keep on the Borderlands. There are more modern ones like An Occurrence at Howling Crater from Planet X games. However, I think I'm going to talk about the adventure I've run the most. That adventure is The Arwhich Grinder by Daniel Bishop. It's a DCC funnel adventure, meaning a lot of 0-level characters go in and only a few come out. A group of village folk have the chance to be heroes and repay the kindness a family showed them during a time of blight. At least that's what things seem on the surface. There is some really gross and wild stuff in this one. I've ran it 6 times at Origins and once for friends. I've never had a group complain and most of the time they're singing praises of the adventure. DCC is just a fun game and Daniel created a fantastic Lovecraftian masterpiece with this one.

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