Monday, August 19, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 19

"Sensational session"

I've ran several sensational sessions at Origins since joining up with Lurking Fears, but I feel like talking about the time I ran Wasted last year specifically. This DCC-compatible "hicksploitation" adventure by Tim Snider is fantastic. Take a fantastic adventure and a group of players wanting to let loose and have a good time and you have an excellent formula for a fantastic session. The players were all good sports and willing to play the hillbilly stereotypes up without being too offensive about it. One of the thieves in the group had the snake handler occupation and the character's player had an uncle that actually was a snake handler. Needless to say, he did an excellent job roleplaying the character. I think one of my favorite moments in the game was when one of the warriors was killed. The party gave the corpse some of the cursed liquor (as they realized it had the ability to turn people into zombies). I had the player to make a DC 20 luck roll. He made it so I allowed the character to be brought back as a zombie under his control. I just copied the zombie stat blocks and gave them to him. He really got into it and was hilarious. He didn't speak in character for the rest of the session, just mumbled and moaned. Everyone had a great time. 

I found out the session actually inspired two of the players (father and son) to run their own sessions at Origins this year. 

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