Monday, August 1, 2022

Wasted Review (Spoilers)

Wasted in the second adventure from Tim Snider (of The Savage Afterworld) for his Country Meat-Grinder Classics line. You can read my review of the first adventure, The Hellson Horror, here. Wasted is a 15 page, 1st level adventure for DCC RPG. For those unfamiliar with Country Meat-Grinder Classics, it's a "hicksploitation" horror setting. You can use it as it's own setting, 1930's Appalachia cut off from "proper" society, or use it with little to no change in Shudder MountainsWeird Frontiers, or my own Portsmaw setting

The plot centers around an annual village celebration. Unfortunately for the village, a mysterious contamination has decimated corn crops, causing those that eat it to turn violent. Like shiner, Patrick Dalton, swiped some of the contaminated corn before it could be destroyed. The corn, mixed with shine formula, has created doomshine. This toxic brew kills and re-animates those that drink. Dalton found he could controls these un-dead and has dubbed himself the Doombrewer. He now plans to take over the town with his brew and rule with an un-dead army.

The adventure has a great set-up and fun plot. There are a few different kinds of encounters. The party fight contaminated deer, un-dead townsfolk, the Doombrewer, and a horrific boss monster (that I won't spoil). In addition, there are several activities they can participate in before things go to hell. Tim's created some simple but fun rules carnival/festival events. Who knew I needed rules for a greased pig contest? Finally there is a new "liquid courage" rule that really fits the setting and gives some pseudo healing options for the primarily non-magical (at least as far as pc's go) setting. These work for Country Meat-Grinder Classics, but would fit really well in a standard DCC game.

If you can't tell, I really like this adventure. Unfortunately for folks that didn't order it yesterday, it is currently sold out. Tim periodically restocks his Etsy shop so check in every now and then if you want your own print copy. You can grab the pdf here.


  1. Well, HOWW-DEE. This is my first exposure to the richness of your PORTSMAW setting, tho I'm familiar with the previous works of Master Tim. This is all good good stuff, Pun. Y'all got your heads on straight. PORTSMAW is good, good, atmospheric, fun.

    1. It's been my baby for years now. I really need to get it together and release it in print (whether as a sourcebook or zine).
