Thursday, August 8, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - Day 8

 "An accessory you appreciate."


Though we'd chatted online before, I officially met Justin from Severed Books at Origins 2022. I loved the stuff he was releasing and he seemed really nice online. I'm happy to say he was just as cool, IRL. We talked for a while and I bought a few things. When I came back to his both later I noticed a really cool Warduke skull dice bag. I asked how much and he told me it was the last one and I could have it. He didn't need to do that, but he did and I really appreciate it. It made my day. That's why my Warduke skull dicebag is an accessory I appreciate.

If you've never checked out Severed Books, you should. Follow them on Facebook and pick something up from their Etsy shop.

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