Wednesday, October 9, 2024

October Horror Challenge - Unhuman (2022)

"Teen Angst" was the prompt for Day 7. This one has been on my radar for a few years. While I don't mention specifics there are some spoilers below.

A group of teens get stranded and attacked by a group of savage zombie-like creatures. They must learn to work together to survive.

I enjoyed this one overall. The film has a great cast. The young actors do a great job of making these characters more than social stereotypes, which is a key part of this movie. In particular, I thought Brianne Tju was fantastic as the lead, Ever. I had some issues though. I don't want to spoil anything, but this movie isn't just as straight forward as the trailer makes it out to be. I think the makers thought they were being clever with the twists and things they included, but I found it kind of convoluted.

Critiques aside there is an aspect of this film I really liked. This one has a great depiction of geeks and nerds. In most media nerds and geeks are depicted as total outcasts tormented by the popular kids. This definitely happens and the movie shows it. However, in my experience those same geeks and nerds can be just as judgmental and often more vicious. I think this is because they feel the world is against them. You can see this in gatekeeping, particularly in those that seem offended that the niche hobbies they had are now popular.

 Your Game 
A Freddy Kreuger-like syringe glove is featured in the film. I've decided to stat this out for SURVIVE THIS!!.

Syringe Glove
Attacks made with this glove causes 1d6 damage. Additionally if the attack hits the wielder can automatically inject the victim with the fluid within without taking a separate action. This weapon can be dangerous to its wielder though and if a natural attack roll is made consult the chart below.

1 - The wielder stabs themselves with the glove, taking 1d6 damage and the effects of whatever liquid the syringes hold.
2-6 - The needles strike a hard object and break. The glove can still be used but it now deals 1d6-1 damage and cannot inject liquids until it's repaired.
7-10 - The needles become embedded in an object and it takes an action to remove it.

Movies Watched: 8
New to Me: 5.66

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