Monday, February 17, 2025

Captain America: Brave New World (2025)

Watched the new Cap movie Saturday with my kiddo. While there might be some minor details that weren't included in the trailers, there are no major spoilers here.


Sam Wilson has truly come in to his own as Captain America. He and his partner, Joaquin Torres, the new Falcon, find themselves drawn into political intrigue involving newly elected president, Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. 


This flick is getting a lot of negative press online, but I really enjoyed it. Anthony Mackie does a great job of showing how Sam has grown into his new role. He still has doubts, but he's much more confident. He's not Steve Rogers, he doesn't have the super soldier serum. He does have some new tech to help even the playing field. Sam's Cap suit includes Vibranium. Danny Ramirez reprises his role  from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Joaquin Torres. Torres is the new Falcon. He brought of lot of heart and levity to the flick, which is overall a political thriller. Carly Lumbly returns as Isaiah Bradley, the "Black Captain America." He was my favorite part of the movie. His character is inspiring and tragic. Honestly there were a few of his scenes that left me heartbroken. Harrison Ford has taken over the role of Thunderbolt Ross since William Hurt's passing. I thought he did a good job. While flawed, this version of Ross seems like he's really trying to change. While I didn't feel as strongly as I did with Bradley, Ross has a few moments in the film that are emotional. We get a few new members of the MCU. The most important is Shira Haas as Ruth Bat-Seraph. In the comics Ruth is Sabra, mutant and agent of Israel. While the character is still Israeli, she works for President Ross and isn't an agent of her homeland. I personally think this was a good move. The final new addition to the MCU is Giancarlo Esposito as Sidewinder. Esposito is always fantastic and while I love the over the top costumes of the comic iteration of the Serpent Society, having them be an ultraviolet mercenary special ops teams makes perfect sense for the more grounded MCU.

The flick addresses a change to the world that took place in Celestials. The remains to Tiamut, dubbed Celestial Island, has become important in the global climate. Why? The reason is simple and exciting (especially if you're a fan of a certain feral short Canadian). A new element called Adamantium has been discovered. 

I've seen a complaint about the movie that it's just The Incredible Hulk 2. While the movie definitely has some call back, Brave New World is Cap movie, first and foremost. It's an entertaining mix of action, political intrigue, and heart. Is it as good as Winter Soldier? No, I personally think that's the best MCU movie. Brave New World is a solid superhero flick with heart though.

In Your Game

I love the character Isaiah Bradley. He originally appeared in the miniseries Truth: Red, White, and Black. In the 616 he's an underground legend among the African and African-American communities. He had visits from real life figures such as Malcom X, Richard Pryor, and Nelson Mandela. He was an honored at Storm and T'Challa's wedding. He's also the grandfather of the Elijah Bradley (the original Young Avenger's Patriot).

The MCU version first appeared in The Falcon and Winter Soldier. He's portrayed by Carl Lumbly. This isn't Lumbly's first foray into superheroics (having starred in the Fox series M.A.N.T.I.S. and as Martian Manhunter in Justice League/Justice League Unlimited). This is the version I'm going to stat out.

Code Name: Captain America
Real Name: Isaiah Bradley
Pronouns: He/Him
Team Affiliation: -

Medium, Humanoid (Human), Neutral Good

Armor Class:
 15 (Dex)
HP:  95 (10d8+50)
Speed: 30 ft.
Challenge: 4 (1,100 XP)

Str 20 (+5) Dex 20 (+5) Con 20 (+5) Int 13 (+1) Wis 17 (+3) Cha 12 (+1)

Saving Throws: Str+9, Con +9 
Skills: Athletics +9, History +5, Insight +6, Perception +7, Survival +7
Proficiencies: Demolitions, Vehicles (Land)
Senses: Passive Perception: 17
Languages: English 

No Soldier Gets Left Behind: The first time an ally within 30 ft fails a Death saving throw, they may reroll it. This ability can't be used again until Isaiah takes a short rest.
Second Wind: On his turn, as a bonus action, Isaiah can draw on his stamina reserves to heal 1d10+10 hit points. He can't use this ability again until he takes a short or long rest. 

Multiattack: Isaiah makes three attacks.
Unarmed: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+5) bludgeoning 

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