Monday, February 17, 2025

Presidential Gaming

Today's President's Day (officially Washington's birthday at the federal level) here in the states. Like many of my fellow Americans I'm disappointed and anxious at the current state of the country. I really miss the time that presidents were public servants and there wasn't a cult built around them. Okay, now that I'm done pining about the state of the country, I'll do what I do best and use the day as an excuse to point folks to relevant previous posts. 

If you want to smile, check out the Ash4President videos. Speaking of Ash, he teamed up with Obama in a miniseries and you can find my Cinematic Unisystem stats for President Obama here. If you need something a little more current you can add these 5e stats of President Musk (aka Phony Stark). I can't find Scott Woodward's Drumpf 5e stats anymore so I can't help you if you want to add Cheeto Mussolini to your 5e game. If you're playing Blue Rose though, my friend Tim Brannan did a conversion of him for that system that you can find here. If you need some red hate* mooks for your 5e games, the Sons of Themyscira are perfect. These would be appropriate too.

*That was originally a typo, but it fits perfectly. 

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