Tuesday, March 25, 2025

April A-Z

April 1st is a week away and I still haven't decided what I want my A-Z theme will be. In recent years I've done 5e supers stats (Suicide Squad and for my setting New Punverse) and Evil Dead Universe stats for the Army of Darkness RPG. 

Honestly 5e supers stats tend to come the easiest to me. I could go with that again, choosing another theme (or even doing Suicide Squad members again). 

I have access to the 2024 D&D core books, so I could try statting up some npcs and monsters for it. So far the only time I've done that is for my Art the Clown stats.  

Another idea I had was to give a brief description of a bar/tavern that can be dropped into campaigns. This route would honestly be easier in some ways. I wouldn't necessarily have to create stats and even if I did, I could do so with multiple systems. I feel like this one could also be the most challenging because it would require me to come up with more original content then I normally do. I mean, creating something new and converting something to a system are definitely two different things. 

I'll figure something out I'm sure. If you have thoughts about these ideas or another suggestion, let me know. 


  1. My plan with the A-Z challenges seems to always be to have a topic that, once the month is over, can have all the entries compiled into a nice usable package. For that reason, I like the bar/tavern idea.

    The truth, of course, is that it never actually works out that way for me (if I even finish the challenge), so priority #1 should probably just be whatever makes you happiest to write. :)

    1. Tim K. also mentioned the bar/tavern/inn idea sounding interesting so I think I’m going to give that a shot.
