Friday, October 18, 2024

October Horror Challenge - Terrifier 3 (2024)

 "Clown" is the prompt for Day 18 and there's only one clown on my mind at the moment. Also it wasn't for the challenge, but I watched my favorite Halloween movie Ernest Scared Stupid so I added it to my movies watched total.

Five years after her horrifying battle with Art the Clown, Sienna Shaw is trying to live a normal life and reconnect with family. Unfortunately for her, Art has other plans in this holiday horror.  

If you are a fan of the franchise, then you're going to love Terrifier 3. Let's get it out of the way. Like the previous movies this one has gratuitous violence and gore that pushes the boundaries of taste.  Unlike previous Terrifier films, this one also includes child murder. That is typically a hard limit for me. However, you don't actually see the children murdered. The first child death is heard and the aftermath is scene, but we aren't subjected to seeing Art hack a kid up. There is another scene that involves children dying, but we don't see it in detail and we only catch a few glimpses of the aftermath. The film also has some violence towards animals, though its towards rats so its not as offensive to some. There's also a super screwed up sadomasochistic sex scene but it's self inflicted, so the film still doesn't include SA. If it wasn't for Art's absurd mannerisms all of this would be too much. There's even a humerous moment after the previously mentioned sexual scene that made it more palatable. I mean come on, Art gets his own Christmas carol!

The gore and effects are ridiculous. They aren't realistic, but that doesn't really matter. For me this enhances the experience. I wouldn't want to watch these gnarly things if they were done realistically. I mean I might be sick, but I'm not that sick. They violence is gruesome, graphic, and killer... but mostly just absurd. There are buckets of blood and muck on screen throughout the film. There are multiple limbs and other appendages being hacked off, smashed, or suffering worse fates.

The cast is absolutely phenomenal. As always, David Howard Thornton absolutely kills it (pun intended). Lauren LeVera returns as Sienna Shaw and she is someone I'm definitely keeping my eye on. She has a great presence and her character feels real and fleshed out. She's definitely one of my favorite scream queens (though I'm not sure if that term truly applies to her). Her character's lore and connection to Art is expanded and many of the questions I had after watching the second were answered. Elliot Fullman returns as Siena's little brother Jonathan. He doesn't have as large a role, but still does a great job. Samantha Scaffidi once again plays Victoria, who is now a full fledged villain. She has one of the most disturbing scenes in the movie. Antonella Rose joins the cast as the Shaws' younger cousin Gabbie. She's a fantastic young actress and I read she did such a good performance that Thornton originally thought he actually emotionally scarred her in their scenes. Clint Howard, Tom Savini, Chris Jericho (retuning as security guard Burke) and and Jason Patric also appear. Notably missing Amelie McLain's Pale Little Girl from the second film. She was creepy as hell, but wasn't really necessary for the plot (especially with Victoria's expanded roll), so I can look past it.

Terrifier 4 is happening and I can't wait.

 Your Game 
I've created new 5e stats for Art. They are based on BenDjinn's stats, but updated with new info about the character, beefed up, and presented in the new monster format. 

Medium Fiend, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 12             Initiative +0 (10)
Hit Points:  60 (8d8+24)
Speed 30 ft.

                    MOD SAVE                                     MOD SAVE  
STR  13        +1     +1                        INT 12          +1    +1
DEX  10       +0      +0                       WIS 16         +3    +6
CON  16       +3      +3                       CHA 18        +4    +7   

Gear Bag of sharp objects, pistol , Art's Costume (see below)
Skills Performance +7, Stealth +3
Resistances Cold, Fire, Lightning
Immunities Poison, Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception +6
Language: Understands all languages but can't speak
CR 5 (XP 1,800; PB +3)

Anatomically Independent: Art can control his limbs even if they are separated from his body.
Chaotic Resistance (1/Day). If Art fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. 
Regeneration. Art regains 5 hit points at the start of each of his turns. If Art takes radiant damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of his turn. Art only dies only if he starts his turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.
Terrifier. When Art reduces a creature to 0 hit points, each creature who saw the victim killed must succeed a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be Frightened of Art until the start of its next turn. 

Multiattack. Art can make two Pistol or Slash attacks. 
Pistol. Ranged Attack Roll: +3, range 30/90Hit: 5 (1d10) Piercing damage.
Slash. Melee Attack Roll: +4, reach 5 ft. Hit: 6 (2d4+1) Slashing damage.
Stomp. Melee Attack Roll: +4, reach 5 ft., one prone creature Hit: 8 (2d6+1) Bludgeoning damage and the target is stunned until the start of Art's next turn.
Teleport. Art magically teleports while standing in  a dimly lit or dark area, along with any equipment he is wearing or carrying up to 60 feet to another dimly lit or dark area he can see. 

Art's Costume
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

This garish clown suit has the following properties. The suit has 6 charges. It regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dawn. It cannot be worn over or under any type of armor.

Darkvsion. While wearing this suit you can gain Darkvision 120 ft. 
Teleport. While in dim light or darkness, you can expend a charge to teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is in dim light or darkness.

Movies Watched: 20
New to Me: 12.66

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