Wednesday, October 11, 2023

October Horror Challenge - Ernest Scared Stupid (1991)

Ernest Scared Stupid is the best Halloween movie "For The Kiddos" and I will die on that hill. Fun fact the movie was released 32 years ago today.

While working as a garbage man and helping his young friends, Ernest P. Worrell accidentally unleashes a troll that wreaks havoc on his town.

I loved this movie as a kid and still love it as an adult. I get that not everyone love's Jim Varney's humor, but I love it. He has a wholesome lovableness as Ernest. There's a seen in the film involving his dog that gets me to this day, because when Ernest cries, we all cry. An interesting fact about the movie is it canonically explains why Ernest is so dumb (troll curse). The film has Ernest regulars John Cadenhead and Billy Byrge as the Tulip brothers. Additionally Eartha Kitt plays Old Lady Hackmore. I quote this movie way more than any adult should. 

One of my favorite fun facts/Easter eggs is that many of the troll costumes were repurposed by the cult classic Killer Klowns From Outer Space. However, I just found a new one that I think is cool. The young bullies in the movie are the Murdock brothers. Their names are Matt and Mike, which means they share names with Daredevil and his sometimes real/sometimes made up twin brother Mike.

If you want a dumb, but lovable Halloween movie that's kid friendly, check out Ernest Scared Stupid.

In Your Game
Of all the SURVIVE THIS!! games, Dark Places & Demogorgons is the most appropriate game to play a scenario like this. 
Trantor the Troll (Humanoid)
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 30 HP (6 HD)
Move: 10
Actions: 1
Attack: Punch (d4) or by weapon
Special:  Toughness +4Fearless, CurseRegeneration, Voice Mimicry, Spells, A Mother's Love, The Heart of a Child 
Bonuses: +3 to Melee attacks
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 10
Madness: 2 (8)
Terror: 10
HDE: 4

Items: dirty troll clothes

Curse: Trantor can call upon dark powers to lay generational curses.
Dendrology: Trantor can use his action to make nearby trees and greenery grow and twist. He can even use it to grapple.
Regeneration: Trantor regains 1 hit points at the end of every turn even if reduced below 0 HP
Dollification 1/day: Duration: Instant Range: Touch - Child must make a Mental (or Magic in other ST games) saving throw or be transformed into a small wooden doll.
A Mother's Love: All trolls of Trantor's species take 2d6 points of damage when the come in contact with milk. This ignores his toughness.
The Heart of A Child: The only way to permanently defeat Trantor is to give him enough unconditional love (aka the heart of a child). It is possible for truly whole adults of Good alignment to give this.

First Time View: 2
Total Watched (Including Non-Challenge Horror Movies): 14

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