Tuesday, October 10, 2023

October Horror Challenge - Blacula (1972) and Scream Blacula Scream (1973)

Today's prompt is "Body Horror" but I decided to use one of the alternates. This post will be different because it's a "Blaxploitation" double feature. Mamuwalde is my favorite vampire.

Mamuwalde is an African prince visiting Count Dracula with his wife, Luva. He is turned by the Prince of Darkness and sealed in a coffin. He awakens in the seventies and meets Tina, who seems to be the reincarnation of his lost love. This brings him into confrontation with Tina's brother-in-law, Dr. Gordan Thomas. Losing his love again he walks into the sun and is turned to Ash.

A year later, a disagreement in the leadership of a voodoo cult sees rejected son of the previous leader, Willis Daniels, resurrecting Mamuwalde. Willis is too weak ot control Mamuwalde and Lisa Fortier, the cult's new leader attempts to use her magic to break the curse. Interference from local law enforcement causes trouble and the vampire unleashes his vengeance on humanity.

Blacula is one of my all time favorite movies. While the film could have just been an exploitative piece of cinema, it's a movie with merit. William Marshall lends an undeniable gravitas to the role of Mamuwalde. His charisma and presence are undeniable. Thalmus Rasula is does a phenomenal job as the lead protagonist, Dr. Thomas. They truly make this a great vampire flick. The music is fantastic too. I really enjoy the band in the club. 

Scream Blacula Scream is a lesser movie, though still a lot of fun. We get more William Marshall as Mamuwalde. Plus in this flick we get to see cinematic voodoo and the always phenomenal Pam Grier as Lisa Fortier.

In Your Game
Though he is an antagonist, Mamuwalde can be an honorable one. I'm presenting stats for What Shadows Hide. He is a very intelligent man and a scholar among many things, so I made him an Academic. These stats assume Mamuwalde is resurrected in modern times. This is why I gave some modern skills.

While I haven't read it yet, there was a Blacula comic released last year. Once I finish it, these stats might change. Also, in my head cannon Mamuwalde's Eboni tribe are an offshoot of the people of Wakanda.

Prince Mamuwalde
Race/Class/Level: Vampire Academic 10
Lineage: Diplomacy of Thorns (Nominally)
Alignment: Evil

STR: 24 (+6)
INT: 20 (+4)
WIS: 16 (+2)
DEX: 18 (+3)
CON: 24 (+6)
CHA: 20 (+4)
SUR: 15

Courage: 18
Critical: 18
Death: 18
Magic: 15
Mental: 18
Poison: 14

AC: 13
HP: 190 
Toughness: +7, Magic & Psionics +2
Initiative: +7
Move: 20

Actions: 3

Attack Bonus
+6 to hit melee
+3 to hit range
+9 to punches an kicks
Can use improvised weapons with no penalty

Bite d4+6
Punch d4+6

Alchemy 2 (+4)
Arcana 2 (+6)
Astrology 2 (+6)
Athletics: Basic 2 (+6)
Combat Training 2
Computer Skills 2 (+4)
Dancing 2 (+4)
Fighting: Brawling
Intimidation 4 (+8)
Knowledge: General 2 (+7) - Advantage
Knowledge: History (General) 2 (+6) - Advantage
Knowledge: Occult 10 (+14) - Advantage
Knowledge: Politics 4 ( +8) - Advantage
Language (Hausa and English)
Mathematics 2 (+4)
Persuasion 8(+16) - Advantage
Science: Basic 2 (+4) - Advantage
Science: Biology 2 (+4) - Advantage
Spot and Listen +2
Stealth 2 (+7)
Subterfuge 2 (+4)
Tracking +3

Can only consume living blood
Cannot be tracked by scene
Undead (animals are hostile, immune to mind-affecting effects (except Madness), Poisons, Stuns, being Sickened, Diseases & Critical Hits, does not breathe)
Dark Vision 110'
Takes half damage form Physical & Energy damage rounded up (normal damage from Magic & Psionic)
Regenerate 4 HP at the end of each round
Heal d6 HP per round while feeding (takes an average of 4 round to fully drain)
Seize the Moment +1
Animal Transformation
Charmer (all allies get +1 to all save stats)
Dark Sight (cannot be blinded, can see ghosts and through walls (10'), Infravsion 60')
Magic Blood
Hide of Cricul
Terror: 13
Vermin Powers
May re-roll Mandess checks 1/day
Outsmart +8  2/day (may attempt to Outsmart the first attack that affects him each round without using one of his Outsmart attempts, if rolls a natural 20, gains an additional Outsmart for the day)
Outsmart attempts against Mamuwalde are done with Disadvantage
Advantage on Madness checks
Allies within 60' gain +4 (Mamuwalde's Int modifier) on non-physical skill checks
May re-roll any failed roll by using an extra SUR point
+3 to resist Intimidate

Silver & Wood (Toughness drops to +1 against them)
Daylight deals d4 damage per round

Gear: finery (including as Skillet put it "one bad cape")  

First Time View: 2
Total Watched (Including Non-Challenge Horror Movies): 13

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