Like most of the films I watch for the challenge, this is free to watch movie on Tubi. I've reviewed this flick a few times, so this will sound really familiar if you've followed the blog for a while.

If you are a fan of 80's slasher movies, then this has everything you need. The flick has a plethora of gorgeous ladies, including a funny cameo by Leeanna Vamp. The are bare breasts and some really nice asses, which is a slasher staple. The slasher uses a variety of tools, which keeps things interesting and bloody. There's also a ton of humor in this flick. The cast have some great lines and I think Clay steals every scene he's in. The plot is simple enough, but has some nice twists and things to keep it fresh. The director, Drew Marvick, has a love of slashers and horror and it shows in this movie. ad, not the movies.
The actor that plays Troy is my old friend, Mark Justice. He had a special screening of this one back in my hometown a few years ago. Recently having a successful fundraising campaign, a sequel has officially been announced!
In Your Game: If you want stats for Slashers and Victims go here. If you want the stats for Survive This!!, check out this post. I needed something new though, so I decided to give the stats for using a severed head as a weapon.
Severed Head
Cost: Prison time?
Damage: 1d6 or 1d6+1 (if head is wearing ball gag)
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