Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Strahd Loves, Man Kills Issue 4

Dolorous Exhumation Press has released the spring 2022 issue of their Ravenloft fanzine, Strahd Loves, Man Kills. Most of the features from issue 1issue 2, and issue 3 return. 

Lurid Locations presents a reimagining of thee past domains. Saragoss becomes the domain of nautical terror. The domain is an island made up of seaweed, flotsam, jetsam, broken ships, and other bits of ocean detritus. It is ruled by a former pirate wereshark. It's a wretched oceanic hive of scum and villainy (of the piratical and cult variety). There are also some Innsmouth-like traits. The second domain mentioned is Bluetspur. It's a small realm of Lovecraftian madness. It only gets a page, because it was always a small island of terror in the setting. Finally the island of Sourange is presented. This is a Carribean/Louisiana inspired domain. The primary them is the horrors of incarceration. It is ruled by a zombie warden (though he appears to be human). It is also a realm of nature spirits and has a voodoo feel to it. Considering I really want to run a nautical game soon, these domains will be great stopovers for my campaign.

Baleful Backgrounds presents three new backgrounds. The demimonde is a sex-worker and was inspired by the cunning ladies of Black Sails, Penny Dreadful, and Deadwood. I really like it and mit makes me think of one of my characters, Sam Whoreson. The mooncusser is an individual that uses techniques to trick ships into crashing into shores. Finally the mudlark searches the muck of river beds and things for loose coins and items of use.

Seeds of Evil presents four adventure hooks. The first involves a masked ball and an assassin. The second involves a diabolical tome in Saragoss. The third involves tracking down a flesh golem. The final hook involves survivors guilt and PTSD. It is my favorite of the four.

Wicked Wanderings presents possible ways to connect the realms of Ravenloft into a connected setting, like previous additions. There are five useful ideas that you can adopt for your games, if you so choose.

Portraits of the Damned presents  three villainous minions. The Parvoska sisters are twin dhampirs. They were created by and serve mindflayer masters. Unlike regular dhampirs that feed on blood, they drink cerebral fluid. Birdlime is a vulture aarokocra that serves as a professional henchman. He loves what he does and what he does isn't pretty.

Tragic Heroes presents five character concepts. This issue's concepts focus on the idea of the "dire duelest." The Alien Blade is a githyanki fighter stuck in Ravenloft that wants to return to the Astral Plane and their queen. The Ascetic Iconoclast learned to duel through esoteric study, rather that traditional training. The Brutal Swordmaster uses heavy armor and weaponry, unlike most dexterous duelists. The Exsanguinated Exuberant is a dhampir swashbuckler that wants to inspire future generations. Finally the Tybaltian Vengent seeks revenge against a family of nobles that brought the downfall of their kin.

Random Ruin presents a Ravenloft adventure creation chart.

Forbidden Tomes gives a list of cosmic horror for inspiration.

This zine is one of my favorites that currently being made. Little Baphy and I both agree, you need to pick up all available issues. 

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