Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The Limitless Lands of Darabok Kickstarter


My friends at Limitless Adventures have a fun 5e Kickstarter currently running.  

When a cabal of dark wizards (of the Coast) shattered the multiverse, the mage Darabok drew on centuries of knowledge, experience, and magic to save as many souls as possible. The mage pulled entire lands through the void and anchored them to The Sea Eternal. Now, heroes from many worlds are appearing in the Limitless Lands to discover adventure and intrigue. Just when you thought the story was ending, new chapters are being written…

That's the story behind the book (note info in parentheses was added by me). The book is a toolbox of new campaign options and setting ideas. It will feature:

A cool aspect about these setting options is that the fragments of other worlds have unique features which affect gameplay, but only while on that island. The book will also distill elements of 5e to something simpler, but still fun. 

I am a huge fan of Limitless Adventures. Check out my reviews below:

If you want to include some fun new ideas to your 5e game back The Limitless Lands of Darabok today.

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