I think there are some great ideas for Ravenloft or Lamentations of the Flame Princess that can be taken from the movie. At the beginning of the film the film's antagonist is forced to wear the mask of Satan. I'm taking some liberties of course but below are the "stats" for one of these masks. Also, in a none Earth based game, just replace Satan with the Adversary or the name of the demon prince of your choosing.

Description: This grotesque looking mask is used as a punishment for witches and others that would consort with Satan. The metal mask has spikes on the inside. As the mask is hammered onto the to damned one's face, the spikes penetrate the flesh. This process causes 1d4+2 damage per round of hammering. Once the mask is "donned" the bearer is marked as a servant of Satan.
*if using a system other than LotFP, the price becomes 25 gp
I have a few magical variations of the mask that are my own devising.
Blessed Mask
This variation of the mask is created from cold iron taken from church bells and blessed in holy water by a priest. Any spawn of Satan wearing this mask is rendered vulnerable to mundane weapons. In addition if they are buried within site of a cross they can not return to life. The tricky part is getting the Hellspawn to wear it.
Innocent Blood

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