Get your stake read, V is for Vampire...
New Spells
Blood to Wine I
1st Level Magic-User and Elf Spell
Range 0
Duration: Permanent
The caster mixes a small amount of his blood (at least 1 HP worth) with a glass of wine. He then says a quick prayer to the Sanguine Lords. Upon completion of the spell, the wine in the glass in transformed into blood. Note, due tot he material component of this spell, the caster must be alive.
Blood to Wine II
3rd Level Magic-User and Elf Spell
Range 0
Duration: Permanent
As per Blood to Wine I, except there is no blood requirement and the spell can affect a bottle of wine, instead of merely a glass.
AC: 4, HD:
2d12, HP 16, #AT: 1 D: 1d8+2, MV 120' (40'), 180' (60'), SV: F2, ML: 10, AL: N or C
Wooden Sword
Defanged vampires have some of the abilities of their free bretheren. They are immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells. In addition they are immune to poison, have darkvision, and have 99% Move Silently. Finally they regenerate 1 HP a round.
However, like other vampires, the Defanged have several weaknesses. They can be turned as Ghouls (2 HD), sunlight will destroy them, they must be invited into a home, and they are repelled by a strongly presented holy symbol.
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