Saturday, March 3, 2018

Rappan Athuk 5E

As many of you have seen Frog God has a kickstarter that updates the dungeon of graves, Rappan Athuk, to 5e. The kickstarter isn't just for a 5e conversion of the dreaded megadungeon. It also includes updated art, new areas, and lots of map support. While it's a healthy chunk of change, I want the hardcover and stretch goals for this one. I don't know if I can fully explain why, because honestly I'm definitely more "role playing" and not "roll playing." There's just something about the frogs and Orcus I guess. This has actually got me thinking about some recent posts and videos by +Venger Satanis. He's got some interesting thoughts on the game and running it. Even if you don't agree you should check out the videos. They're interesting.

Do you have any experience with Rappan Athuk? What's your favourite megadungeon? Anyone else backing this beast?


  1. Im heavily considering backing it. My favorite megadungeons are Eyes of the Stone Thief and Maze of the Blue Medusa, but I have a special place in my heart for old school giant murder dungeons. Plus the art looks gorgeous. $95 plus shipping on that book is a lot though...

  2. I have the original but never ran it. Despite the update, I don't see a reason to get the 5e version.

    Thanks for mentioning my recent videos!
