Doc Adams: I'll tell you why the Haggens live so long.
Festus: Why?
Doc: 'Cause they're too dumb to know they're dead.
Festus Haggen
Level 7 Swindler

Str 14 Int 11
Dex 14 Wis 13
Con 13 Cha 15 (+1)
5 HD (24 HP) Save: 9 Movement: 12
AC 9 [10]
Attacks: Pistol (+7 to hit, 1d6 dmg, 60' range)
Other: Backstab (+4 to attack and double damage vs surprised foes), 1-5 chance on a 1d6 to climb walls and cliffs without tools,hear noise behind closed doors, and forge documents*, Feign Injury/Play Possum, Open Locks, Hide in Shadows, or Move Silently, 1 chance on a 1d6 to track foes in wilderness, 1-2 chance to hunt/forage for food in the wilderness, 1-2 chance on 1d6 to administer first aid
Equipment: Pistol, canteen, Ruth the mule (male mule but named for a mule that Festus loved)
*Festus can only read his last name, but is clever and could still copy something he sees.
*Festus can only read his last name, but is clever and could still copy something he sees.
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