Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Plane Shift: Dominaria

There's more Magic: The Gathering goodness for 5th edition D&D and I'm all for it. The latest Plane Shift feature brings back Magic's original setting, the plane of Dominaria. The book gives a brief overview of the planet and then details several factions. From what I've heard about the new Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica book that releases in November, the guilds will be presented in a similar format. Instead of picking a background, characters wills pick a faction (or guild in Ravnica). This will include new material and suggestions for playing an iconic member. There's also mention of how to run adventures for the faction, including quests, sites associated with them, and villains. Here are the factions presented, with mention of new gaming material:

  • Seven Pillars of Benalia - This usually lawful, often good nation is descended from a fractured empire. In addition to humans, a new bird-like race, the Avens are given racial traits.
  • Church of Serra - This human and aven church is known for its angels and gracefully floating towers.
  • Tolarian Academies - This usually neutral, often lawful faction is a wizards school. 
  • Merfolk of Vodalia - Unlike merfolk presented in other Plane Shift articles, Dominaria's merfolk don't have legs, therefore aren't presented as a pc faction. However, they could still prove to be allies. Stats are given for the merfolks genocidal crustacean foes, the homarids.
  • Belzenlok's Cabal - Another non-player faction, this darkness worshiping cult is a great foe for characters.
  • Warriors of Keld - This usually chaotic, often neutral factions is made up of hulking grey-skinned humans who seek glory. Keldons are not standard humans and because of this are given racial traits of their own.
  • Elves of Llanowar - This alliance of primarily neutral wood elves and half elves are reclusive nature lovers that worship Gaea, goddess of lives. Because of this connection they are allies of the reptillain kavu. Two variety of kavu are given monsters stats. 

Dominaria has a special place in my heart. I used to read the old card encyclopedias all the time piecing  together the story. and I still remember my excitement during the Invasion block. This release doesn't have a lot of new content, but it makes me smile anyway.

You can download it here.

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