Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Ash Wednesday - Deadites (SURVIVE THIS!!)


Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 3
Move: 15, Climb 15, Fly 8
Attacks: 1 per Round
Attack Damage: Claw (1d6 damage) or Weapon (Varies)
Special: See Below
Bonuses: +4 to hit 
Terror: 14
HDE: 4

Every time a character is damaged by a Deadite they must make a Critical saving throw or become possessed. It is possible to stop possession by severing the offending limbs. It is possible that certain rituals (and even direct sunlight) might also remove or at least suppress a Deadite's control of the body.

In addition anyone killed by a Deadite will rise as one.

The most insidious power deadites possess is the Luring. Combining shapeshifting abilities with the memories inherited from their host they can appear normal. Loved ones witnessing this must make a Mental save. If the character was particularly close to the Deadites host, this save is potentially made with disadvantage.

To completely destroy a Deadite you must dismember them completely,  burn them, bury them alive, or stab them with the Kandarian Dagger.

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