Tuesday, October 23, 2018

October Horror Movie Challenge - Return of the Living Dead (1985)

Synopsis: Two klutzy medical warehouse supply workers accidentally release a gas that turns corpses into brain-eating zombies.

The Good: This movie is punk rock horror at it's best. The soundtrack and characters just embody the spirit of the genre. There are some really memorable characters and a wonderfully dark sense of humor with this one. It's also probably the first zombie flick to propose that zombies wanted brains, not just flesh. Also, Linnea Quigley as Trash...

The Bad: I have no complaints about this one.

Final Thoughts: This is in my top three favorite zombie flicks (along with Dawn of the Dead and Shaun of the Dead).

In Your Game:
If you want to do a Return of the Living Dead Zombies! one shot you can use Skinless Zombies to represent Tar Man and Living Dead Zombies for the rest. However you should make a few adjustments.

2-4-5 Trioxin: Anyone inhaling this must make a successful infection saving throw or die and turn into one of the living dead in 1d6 hours.

Feeding: These zombies don't desire flesh, just brains (because they make being dead hurt less).

Hit Dice/Hit Points: When zombies are reduced to 0 HP there are essentially considered to be hacked up. This does not mean they are dispatched. Their body parts are still animated and will attempt to kill prey.

Methods of Termination: Total immolation... only fire can destroy these zombies. However, the trioxin gas found within them will seed the clouds, continuing the zombie menace....

Zombie Animals: Simply use the animals from the core book, make their attacks capable of causing passing on the zombie plague, and give them the Method of Termination listed above.

New To Me Movies Watched: 27
Total Movies Watched: 47


  1. What do you think about the sequel, kind of a weird re-make?

    1. I don't know that I've watched it as an adult. I think I'm going to change that.
