Synopsis: Deathstalker, now a charismatic rogue rather than a stoic barbarian, escorts a deposed Princess named Evie to her home. There they must confront the evil sorcerer/swordsman Jarek and his evil Evie clone.

The Bad: This film is definitely going to be too self aware for some. This movie is another Conan/fantasy cash grab and this one even mentions Conan by name. It's also going to be too cheesy for some. The film had a low budget and it's noticeable.
Final Thoughts: Despite anything negative I've said about it, I enjoyed the movie. It took me a little bit to get into it, but once I did, it was a fun and cheesy ride.
In Your Game:
Class: Street Rat
INT: 3
WIS: 1
DEX: 3
CON: 3
CHA: 3
WIS: 1
DEX: 3
CON: 3
CHA: 3
HP: 13
Luck: 8 (Regains 2 per session, can spend to let ally re-roll)
Evade: 14
Armor Points: 1 (Leather Armor)
Advantage on Escape rolls
Advantage on Thievery rolls
Advantage on when attempting to detect deception
Can give a short rallying cry to grant allies Advantage on their next action (1/session)
Dagger +2/+3 to hit (1d6-1, can be thrown)
Long Sword +2 to hit (1d6)
Equipment: Dagger, Long Sword, Leather Armor
The sequel definitely took a sharp left turn into comedy, but it's just as cool. Every D&D gamer should watch Deathstalker I and II.