Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Deathstalker II (1987)

Synopsis: Deathstalker, now a charismatic rogue rather than a stoic barbarian, escorts a deposed Princess named Evie to her home. There they must confront the evil sorcerer/swordsman Jarek and his evil Evie clone.

The Good: This movie is self aware and has some fun humor. Like the first movie, there's plenty of cheese and cheesecake. Actually some of the cheesecake (the ladies in mud) is footage from the first flick. I liked Deathstalker in this one a lot. He's played by Ohio-born John Terlesky. He's cocky, cute, and has a punchable face... but that makes him the perfect snarky rogue. While it was ridiculous, I loved the bit with G.L.O.W.'s Matilda the Hun.

The Bad: This film is definitely going to be too self aware for some. This movie is another Conan/fantasy cash grab and this one even mentions Conan by name. It's also going to be too cheesy for some.  The film had a low budget and it's noticeable.

Final Thoughts: Despite anything negative I've said about it, I enjoyed the movie. It took me a little bit to get into it, but once I did, it was a fun and cheesy ride.

In Your Game: 

Class: Street Rat

INT: 3
WIS: 1
DEX: 3
CON: 3
CHA: 3

HP: 13
Luck: 8 (Regains 2 per session, can spend to let ally re-roll)
Evade: 14
Armor Points: 1 (Leather Armor)

Advantage on Escape rolls
Advantage on Thievery rolls
Advantage on when attempting to detect deception
Can give a short rallying cry to grant allies Advantage on their next action (1/session)

Dagger +2/+3 to hit (1d6-1, can be thrown)
Long Sword +2 to hit (1d6)

Equipment: Dagger, Long Sword, Leather Armor

1 comment:

  1. The sequel definitely took a sharp left turn into comedy, but it's just as cool. Every D&D gamer should watch Deathstalker I and II.
