Tuesday, March 12, 2019

It Stains The Sands Red (2016)

Synopsis: Fleeing Vegas during a zombie apocalypse, a woman with a troubled past is stalked by a lone zombie.

The Good: Brittany Allen does a great job as the lead. Also, one thing I really liked about this movie is it shows why slow zombies as scary. Sure they're easy to out pace and that can seem comical. However, you eventually have to rest and they don't. They will catch up to you.

The Bad: This flick doesn't know what tone it wants to have. It mixes horror, comedy, and drama, but I'm not sure it does it in the best ways.

Final Thoughts: Despite the tone shifts and way to coincidental ending, I enjoyed this flick.

In Your Game: The following rule can be used in STZ2E and the example is actually from a scene in the film

Zombies can be distracted by items that have been thoroughly soaked in human blood, such as a used tampon. The trick doesn't work well when facing hordes, but when facing off against one or two unintelligent zombies, it can by you a few turns. The character must make a DC 10 Dex check to throw it in a spot that will lure the zed. This will distract the zombie for 1d4 + 1 round for every increment of 5 over 10.

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