Thursday, June 6, 2019

Wolf Creek (2005)

Synopsis: Three young people (two British women, one Australian gent) take a road trip through remote regions of Australia. When their care brakes down they are helped by a very friendly local. Unfortunately they soon realize that he's not the friendly bloke he seems to be.

The Good: John  Jarratt is fantastic as the villainous Mick Taylor. He's creepy, charismatic, and bloody insane. He can go from funny old fellow, to scary af killer at a moment's notice. He really does steal the scenes he's in. If you dig movie violence, the film has some really brutal scenes and well done gore.

The Bad: While I enjoyed the film, it took way to long to get going in my opinion. I understand that the first part of the flick was framed the way it was to make us care about the victims, but it still felt dull to me.

Final Thoughts: This is a slow vicious flick. It's entertaining and I think Mick is an underrated killer. I've heard the second film dives right into the action and I'm really looking forward to checking it out.

In Your Game: If you're Vigilante City game is set down under, Mick would be a great villain.

Mick Taylor
Armor Class: 14
Hit Points: 5 (25 HP)
Move: 12
Actions: 1
Attack: Bowie Knife (d6) or Sniper Rifle (3d6, 500/10/1)
Bonuses: +3 to Melee attacks, +2 to Melee damage, +5 to Ranged attacks, +3 to Athletics: Basic, +2 to First Aid, +4 to Intimidation,  +4 to Interrogation, +3 to Mechanics, +4 to Piloting: Basic, +4 to Stealth, +8 to Wilderness Survival
Morale: 8
Terror: 7
HDE: 5

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget, there's also two seasons of a TV show continuing Mick's merry slaughter. To be honest, I've only watched the first season and found it overly drawn out and rather redundant. But, of course, YMMV ;)
