Friday, August 16, 2019

Pink Slime Fantasy

I know it's referring to pink slime meat, but wouldn't you
rather look at this adorable slime girl?
I keep seeing this post about Appendix N and Pink Slime Fantasy in my Facebook feed. It's a really good read. The writer says Pink Slime isn't inherently bad and I appreciate that. I guess I just felt like throwing my two coppers in because of various comments others have had about the post.  Here are a few thoughts though:

  • While I don't want to eat it everyday I'm a fan of McDonalds and fast food, so while it's kinda gross to dwell on it, calling it pink slime fantasy doesn't make it inferior in my mind, just different. 
  • The 3.0/3.5 and 5e Dungeon Master's Guides have included rules and stats for sci-fi tech. 
  • I think a lot of modern fantasy fans don't care for the mixing of sci-fi and fantasy. I know many folks that don't and until recently, I was of the same mindset. 
  • The core releases of D&D are standard pink slime, but WotC has made it possible for others to take the weird speculative fiction mashup via the OGL.
  • I don't think D&D is eating itself, I just think it's found its brand and is sticking with it.
  • Standard modern fantasy is easier to sell and has a broader appeal.
  • Pathfinder (which is the big D&D alternative) has tech based areas and adventures.
Ultimately play what you want. I'm really glad we live in a time when I can have my pink slime 5e double cheeseburger and my Dungeon Crawl Classics New York strip cooked to perfection. 

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