Tuesday, September 3, 2019

You Want Weapons? We're In A Library!

I had an idea for a short 5e supplement. I haven't come up with a name for it, but it would be something like Cade's Big Book O' Booze. However instead of being a booze related zine, it would instead be a book related one. My thought is create a mystic library that can be dropped into any game. I also have a new idea for an arcane tradition for wizards. Tossing around ideas, but right now my thoughts are lorekeeper, mystic archivist, arcane librarian. I'm thinking their tradition powers would allow them to magical shield books and scrolls, as well as copy the contents quickly via magic. In addition, I would follow this up with a brief rules on how to use books in your game (what bonuses they could provide and things like that). I'd give a few sample books and tie everything up with a d100 random book generator. 

I love this idea because it combines my passions, librarianship and gaming. What do y'all think? Is this something you'd add to your game?

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a cracking idea. Would a class called 'book-binder' a little too on-the-nose?
