Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October Horror Movie Challenge - All Hallow's Eve 2 (2015)

This horror anthology is on Tubi

While sitting home alone on Halloween, a young woman finds a VHS tape on her doorstep. She watches a series of horrific tales and repeatedly sees a pumpkin faced stalker on the street and tape.

First I want to give this anthology props for explaining why the protagonist still has a VHS player. As she tells her friend on the phone, blu-ray makes things look fake and there's nothing better than Texas Chainsaw Massacre on VHS. Second, I was really surprised that this film didn't feature Art the Clown from the first All Hallow's Eve and The Terrifier

The movie contains nine short films. All of them are pretty entertaining, though one was hard for me to grasp because I don't speak Spanish (which much of the story was text based and in). Hands down, my favorite story in the film was The Last Halloween (which is a short I've shared before).

If you want to watch some interesting horror shorts, check this one out. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

In Your Game: A new horrible hazard from the short Jack Attack!

Enchanted Pumpkin Seeds
Anyone eating the seeds of an enchanted pumpkin soon finds themselves infested with a parasitic plant. Unless the individual can force themselves to throw up and make a DC 14 Con check or have the growing seeds quickly cut out, the quick growing pumpkins will burst from their flesh a few minutes, causing 2d6 damage (ignoring toughness).

New To Me Movies Watched: 10
Total Movies Watched: 18

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