Thursday, October 24, 2019

October Horror Movie Challenge - The Devil's Rejects (2005)

The Firefly family's second outing is currently on Tubi

Following the events of House of 1000 Corpses, the Firefly family find their home raided. Baby and Otis go on the run and join up with Baby's father, Captain Spaulding. After a bloody incident at a motel, the trio meet up with Spaulding's brother, all the while being trailed by a vengeful sherrif and his hired muscle, the "Unholy Two."

HonestlyI have a lot of the same feelings about this one that I did House of 1000 Corpses. It's brutal, vile, and mean. I didn't have any sympathy for what happens to Otis and Baby when the sheriff catches up with them. They are still just as obnoxious. However, just like the first film, I loved Captain Spaulding. I'm glad he has a much larger role in this one. I liked the introduction of Spaulding's brother Charlie, played by the unforgettable Ken Foree. It was also cool to see Diamond Dallas Page and Danny Trejo as baddass bounty hunters. 

While I appreciate House of a 1000 Corpses for being a horror movie, I think I like the grindhouse feel of Devil's Reject's. Had the movie focused more on that, I would have had much more enjoyment watching it. I don't mind seeing awful people do things to awful people, which is why the second half of this movie was great. All of the scenes related to Charlie's brothel are fun. 

I still need to see 3 From Hell. I know I'm going to be saddened by Spaulding's limited role in it, but I feel like I need to finish the trilogy.

In Your Game:  Captain Spaulding's Chicken is legendary in these movies (or at least those that have had it speak of it in reverence), so I thought I'd make it an item in game. I think you could have a messed up grindhouse adventure that centers around a group trying to get a hold of Spaulding's recipe after the events of this movie. 

Captain Spaulding's Chicken Recipe - friend chicken made with this secret recipe is so good it makes you feel whole. Eating Captain Spaulding's Fried Chicken heals 1d6 HP. You can only gain healing from the chicken once a day.

New To Me Movies Watched: 17
Total Movies Watched: 28

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