Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A is for Art the Clown

For the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge this year I’m going to be looking at slashers and other horror character and statting them out for my free rpg, Slashers & Survivors.

Art the Clown is the framing character of All Hallow’s Eve and the antagonist of Terrifier. The extremely creepy clown is becoming a new slasher icon. The Indiegogo campaign for Terrifier 2 raised over 215,000 dollars, more than 4 times its goal.  You can watch All Hallow’s Eve for free on Tubi and Terrifier is on Netflix. I warn you, they aren’t for the faint of heart.
Art the Clown
HP: 20
Evade: 14
Armor Points: 0
Bonus: +4 to Attack, +3 to Damage
Attack: By Weapon
Special Traits: Art has advantage on all stealth based rolls. If killed Art will rise again.
Special Attack: Sedative (CM + CON vs DC 15 or fall unconscious for 1 hours, unless damage is taken or character is woken by someone else)
M/O: Art loves to terrify his victims in a macabre way. He may pause from attacking to make a darkly humorous gesture. He never speaks.
Weakness: Though he comes back, Art can be taken down with normal attacks and isn’t particularly strong.


  1. This does look like a fun A to Z! Looking forward to all the slashers this month.

  2. cool ... stats for movie monsters ...!!
