Thursday, April 23, 2020

T is for Tiffany Valentine

For the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge this year I’m going to be looking at slashers and other horror character and statting them out for my free rpg, Slashers & Survivors.
Tiffany is Chucky’s violent lover and partner in crime. She’s not quite as skilled at the occult as her beau, but is just as murderous and can actually be a bit persuasive. The original Tiffany now inhabits the body of Jennifer Tilly (now that’s meta), but it is show in the end of the The Cult of Chucky that she possesses dolls too.
Tiffany Valentine
HP: 15
Evade: 15
Armor Points: 0
Bonus: +2 to Attack, +1 to Damage
Attack: by weapon
Special Traits: All social and stealth based rolls are made with Advantage, all stealth based rolls, heals 1 HP on his turn
M/O: Keep her relationship with Chucky fresh
Weakness: Tiffany can only be killed by destroying her heart. However, it is possible for her to be revived if any bits survives.

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