Tuesday, April 28, 2020

U is for Uber Jason

For the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge this year I’m going to be looking at slashers and other horror character and statting them out for my free rpg, Slashers & Survivors.

Uber Jason is the cyborg version of the classic slasher revived in the future with nanobots. Jason X is a silly movie, but a lot of fun and has one of the greatest slasher kills (seen below).

Uber Jason
HP: 80
Evade: 10
Armor Points: 5
Bonus: +3 to Attack, +5 to Damage
Attack: By weapon 
Special Trait: During  his turn Uber Jason regenerates 1 HP, even if reduced to 0 HP
M/O: Kill for Mommy, in the future!
Weakness: Being a undead monstrosity with healing nonobots, Uber Jason doesn't have any known weaknesses. 

1 comment:

  1. Uber Jason is my preferred Jason. Of all the Friday The 13th movies, Jason X is my most rewatched.
