I recently snagged a copy of a rather interesting rpg zine at
Super-Fly Comics & Games. The first issue of Penicillin is as much a piece of art as it is gaming supplement. There are several poems and pieces of creative prose. Honestly, while there is definitely some quality gaming content (my favorites being the strange diseases and the lunar vampires), it's the photography, creative writing, and other artistic pieces that set this apart from the run of the mill gaming zine. The work ends with what I'm presuming is the author's personal Appendix N.
You can get a pdf copy of Penicillin Issue #1
here. If you'd like to get a physical copy, the author has an email address listed on the itch.io page. I'm really glad I picked this one up and honestly, might go back to Super-Fly to be the other copy I saw, just so I an send it to a friend. If you have a chance to sang a copy of this one, do it.
You can purchase print copies from
Exalted Funeral.
On your suggestion, I just bought the second two issues after reading the first in PDF. There are beautiful, crazy, ideas in this zine and I want to thank you for this review.