Monday, July 13, 2020

Champions of VCW - The Revolting Blob

Here's more goofiness for your Vigilante City Wrestling needs (and more practice for my supplement).

The Revolting Blog appeared in Billy Madison. A horrific heel in his days, he's hit the elderly with chairs, and sit on folks until they passed out. Unfortunately this finisher killed a man and the Blob hung up his tights.

The Revolting Blob
Armor Class:11
Hit Dice: 3+2
Move: 12
Attack Damage: Unarmed (1d4+1)
Special: No Sell: Once per combat the blob can make a Constitution check DC 5+the amount of damage he's taken. If this check is successful he takes no damage from the attack.
Bonuses: +2 to Melee Attacks, +2 to Constitution checks
Grab: +2 (13)
Morale: 6
Terror: -
HDE: 4
Equipment: ring gear

The Blobinator - The Blob makes a grab attack against a prone opponent. The opponent has disadvantage on rolls to resist. While grabbed the opponent is considered to be drowning (PG page 267).

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